Online Players

Discord Members

About Us
Code Blue RP (CBRP) was founded in late 2023. We are a vMenu server based in San Andreas (SA), featuring police and sheriff departments within the San Andreas setting. As a growing community, we are always seeking new ways to expand and increase our visibility. At CBRP, we value feedback from our members and are committed to implementing their suggestions for improvement.

Custom Scripts

Here at CBRP we offer multiple scripts and custom scripts to allow our civilians and First Responders enjoy their time here and allow to bring our more in depth Roleplay experiences.

Custom Cars

Here at Code Blue RP we offer multiple custom vehicle that are realistic, we offer a variety of cars to allow our members to have fun experiences with their favorite cars. Our cars range from land, marine, and even air!

Custom Interior

Here at Code Blue RP we offer multiple interior to houses and other interiors such as mechanic shops and much more. These allow our members bring our more passive roleplays by either running a store or maybe even a mechanic shop.

Active Support

At CBRP we try are best to help you out with any issue you are having, we have active support representatives and quick response time.

  • Is this a vMenu Server?

    Yes we are a vMenu server.

  • Is this a whitelisted community?

    No, Code Blue RP is not white listed. All that we ask for on the management team is that you are in our discord to load into our city.

  • Is there an age limit?

    Yes. The age limit here at Code Blue RP is at least 13 years old, and if you are wanting to apply for one of our departments the age requirement is 13-14 years old.

  • Do you guys have a CAD/MDT?

    Yes. We do have a cad, you can access it by going to the top navigation bar and click "additional links" then you will see "cad". Or you can find it by going to